Thursday, October 16, 2014

Are You Ready to Be INSPIRE[D]?

How awesome would it be if we had superpowers?! When I was a kid I used to imagine myself as who I would say was the best superhero out there- BATMAN! I can still hear the theme song playing in my head as I ran around the house with my batman underwear and torn sheet tied around my neck. If I got my hands on anything that was colored black or yellow it was my job to morph it into my latest weapon to combat evil in the "city" that always was the living room. My four sisters never knew what was coming next and when things got ugly for Batman, I headed to my Bat Cave aka my bedroom.

What's up with little boys (and girls) being so infactuated with super heroes? Why today is it still so popular when the latest Hollywood blockbuster usually involves a comic book superhero battling some rampant evil villain trying to destroy the world? And what exactly does any of this have to do with our faith? Well, ALOT!

When we all were young in age and before we began "growing up" we used our imaginations quite a bit to keep us busy. And no one can convince us it wasn't fun! The question I'd like to pose is how many of us imagined ourselves being the greatest and most powerful superhero that ever existed in both our imaginations and in real life-Jesus Christ?!
Weirdly, there were never comics back in the day that were all about Jesus but almost every hero did have some qualities of the Messiah. Jesus walked on water, turned water to wine, healed the sick, fed the poor, brought the dead back to life, casted out demons and if all that  wasn't enough- he valiantly suffered and died on the cross out of complete sacrificial love for you and me. I don't think "Superhero" even does justice for who and what He was and what He did, so we'll stick to calling Him Lord of all!

What was always so disappointing as a kid for me was waking up to the reality that these make believe superheroes like Batman, Superman or the epic team of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, were not real. But Jesus was and He is still very much alive today! The stories of Christ lead us in awe and wonder as many stories of heroes tend to do. But something about Christ and His ultimate sacrifice to give us Heaven for eternity really blows every character, every actor and every hero out of the water. So, today I ask- who's your hero, and how are they inspiring you? 

I can officially say as a 25 year old adult I'm completely okay with leaving comic book superheroes for the big screen because the Hero I've fixed my eyes on is still saving me each and every day. The truth is a real person vs. an imaginery character speaks far greater to us as we deal with challenges in our life. So at the end of the day, Jesus is a hero worth holding onto and we at the Fearless Youth Ministry at Christ the King invite you to discover ways in which Christ wants to inspire you so that you may inspire others. We'll be praying for, please pray for us!!

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